“We are paranoid about data security.”

AES-256 Encryption

Security Audits

PDPA Compliant
Just as you care about the security of your family, we ensure your data stays absolutely safe with us. We are not just a comprehensive digital archive with industry-leading security technology, we employ banking level standards and 2048 bit SSl all through the site.

Data on DigiLocker
We are a part of Government of India's DigiLocker initiative.
Any file you wish to store on our site, is uploaded on DigiLocker.
ONLY you can access these records and share with others when needed. All files have a HMAC signature which is checked at both ends to ensure authenticity
AWS Security Center
We are hosted on Amazon Web Services and needless to say, we use their infrastructure security to the fullest.
EasyInherit follows best practices to keep your data secure. We regularly audit our environments and code for security issues and apply patches expeditiously.
We use commercial services that regularly check our site and we retain our own security experts to probe and verify the security of our site.

PrivacyShield Framework
Our strict internal procedures prevent any EasyInherit employee or administrator from gaining access to your account, beyond a limited set of data necessary to help grant you access to your account (e.g. triggering confirmation emails) and restricting access to your account in urgent circumstances (e.g. limiting or removing access).
EasyInherit administrators can never see the plan information that you fill out or any documents that you upload. EasyInherit logs and regularly audits all accesses to your account, whether by you, an administrator or your deputies.